Yoghurt and Cream
Yogurt Yogurt or yogurt is a dairy product produced by the bacterial fermentation of milk. Fermentation of the milk sugar ( lactose) produces lactic acid, which acts on milk protein…
Yogurt Yogurt or yogurt is a dairy product produced by the bacterial fermentation of milk. Fermentation of the milk sugar ( lactose) produces lactic acid, which acts on milk protein…
Cereal Varieties Grains form the base of the Food Grid Pyramid, and nutritionists are constantly nagging us to eat more of them. Sure they're a bit bland, but they're high…
Art of Salami and Sausages Sausage is a convenience food available in a great number of varieties and flavors. Sausages are an excellent source of high-quality protein, containing all the…
The Art of Condiments It is hard to imagine what cooking would be like without the unique flavors provided by herbs, spices, and the many seasonings available. For centuries they…
What is Sauce? The sauce is a thickened liquid that is flavored or seasoned to enhance the flavor of the food that it is to accompany. The sauce can be…
Art of Cooking To ensure desired texture, taste, flavor, and quality of cooked food, choosing the correct method of cooking is very important. The characteristics desired in the finished product…
What is Stock in Food Production? A stock is a flavorful liquid made by gently simmering bones or vegetables in a liquid to extract their flavor, aroma, color, body, and…
Preparation of Food Food preparation has been a constant chore since the first human beings picked up cutting and mashing stones. In return, this effort to make the food edible,…
Cooking Materials Different raw materials are used in cooking to produce a complete dish. Each ingredient in a word has a unique part to play and knowledge of what each…