Communication in Office: Process, Types, Importance

  • Post last modified:5 July 2021
  • Reading time:13 mins read
  • Post category:Office Management

What is Communication in Office?

Communication is the process of conveying information from one person to another through post, by telephone, by messenger service or by any other means.

Communication is one of the fundamental functions of an office, and a process essential for all forms of business.

The term communication has been defined as “an exchange of facts, ideas, opinions or emotions by two or more persons.

It is the process passing information ideas and making one self understood by others. Thus, in its simplest sense, communication is the conveying of information from one person to another.

Communication is a major function of an office. All office work, whether performed in one department or in separate departments, is inter-related and inter-dependent. An efficient performance of office work necessitates a regular exchange of information and messages among individual executives, different department and life blood of a commercial and industrial enterprise.

The success of an organization depends to a very large extent upon its ability to communicate effectively with its employees and customers. The effective communication service as part of the office organization

Process of Communication

According to Louis a Allen, communication is a four way process, It involves.

  • Asking
  • Telling
  • Listening
  • Understanding

According to Ernest dale, communication is a four way process, It involves.

  • A sender
  • A receiver
  • A message
  • A motivation climate

The communication process is composed of the following:

  1. Perception
  2. Encoding
  3. Transmission
  4. Responding


Assignment of meaning by an individual to the stimuli he receives from his environment


Putting thoughts into communication symbols


Conveyance of communication symbols to the communication symbols


Receiver translates idea in action

Type of Communication

Communication may be:

  1. Internal Communication
  2. External Communication

Internal Communication

Internal communication is the transmission of information within an organization. Internal communication is a lifeline of a business. It occurs between an employer and an employee.

It is communication among employees. Internal communication is the sharing of the information, knowledge, ideas, and beliefs between the members of the company.

Internal communication can be formal or informal. It depends upon the persons to which we are communicating. We use informal or not so formal language with our colleagues. The language used while communicating the head of the company is formal.

Importance of Internal Communication

One can easily find the importance of internal communication. some of them are:

  • It increases productivity.
  • Effective and responsive customer service.
  • Easy attainment of goals.
  • Reduce day-to-day conflict between team members.
  • Enable fast response.
  • Enable fast decision-making.
  • Helps in motivating the employees.

Common Internal Communication

  • Group meetings
  • Company blogs
  • Employee training within an organization
  • Personal meetings
  • Telephonic conversation between employees
  • Inquiry of employee
  • E-mails within an organization
  • Staff communication
  • Company newsletter

External Communication

External communication is the transmission of information between two organizations. It also occurs between a business and another person in the exterior to the company.

These persons can be clients, dealers, customers, government officials or authorities etc. A customer’s feedback is also external communication. An organization invests a lot of time and money to improve their image through external communication.

Effective External Communication

One can easily find the importance of external communication. Some of them are

  • Clear ideas, thoughts, and statement or the reason for communication.
  • It must be two-way communication.
  • Clear, error-free, formal, jargon-free, and easy language.
  • Understanding the need of the audience.
  • Proper choice of words for communication.

Importance of External Communication

  • It presents a favorable image of an organization.
  • It provides information about products and services to customers.
  • Advertise the organization.
  • Promote an organization
  • Reduces the risks of mistakes.

Common External Communication

  • Advertisement of an organization.
  • Response to a customer.
  • Press conference
  • Annual reports and letters.
  • Print media.
  • Face to face meeting of two organization heads.
  • Tender documents.
  • Brochures. Feedbacks.
  • Questionnaire.

Importance of Communication

The importance of communication may be highlighted thus communication is broadly classified into two types.

  1. Importance of Internal Communication
  2. Importance of External Communication

Importance of Internal Communication

  1. Communication and management control
  2. Communication and coordination
  3. Communication and integration
  4. Communication and motivation
  5. Communication and training

Communication and management control

An organization consists of people and network of decisions affecting them. Managing an organization is getting things done through others, a task which requires a manager to communicate with other people.

Communication and coordination

Since office function is a service function, to facilitate the performance of other function, it cannot be envisaged in isolation of them.

Communication and integration

Communication is vital to the function of integration. Effective communication results in better presentation of information and creates awareness among the workforce of their working conditions.

Communication and motivation

The office workers are to the motivated to work. The process of stimulating willingness to work among the workers is largely a process of communication.

Communication and training

In modern times, every organization realizes the importance of training. An increase in skill usually results in an increment in both quality and quantity of output.

Importance of External Communication

  1. Communication and external environment
  2. Communication and competition
  3. Communication and public relation

Communication and external environment

It is very essential for a business enterprise to keep in touch with external business environment as it influences its functioning and results great deal. A manager cannot decide wisely on whether to offer a new product line. If he has no knowledge of market potential, organizational changes involved and capital required etc.,

Communication and competition

Modern business is highly competitive in nature. Lots of information is gathered in the office to meet the challenge of competition.

Communication and public relation

Communication is a tool for building human relationships. Businessmen are aware that the ability to get along with people, to advance in their jobs and to sell their goods, depends on clear communication. Good communication is another name for good public relations.

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